Meet Our Teachers

Suzi McKinney
Owner & Yoga Teacher
Suzi took her first yoga class when she was in college and was looking for a way to find a sense of calmness and focus during her studies. After two years at Santa Monica College, she transferred to University of Southern California to study Dental Hygiene. Suzi continued her yoga practice to maintain a healthy balance in her life.
In 2007, she attended Yoga Works 200- hour teacher training in Santa Monica. Then, in 2015, she attended the 50- hour Prime of Life teacher training at LMU.
Suzi had been teaching in the Los Angeles area for the last 11 years. In January 2019, Suzi and her husband followed their dream to move to Wrightwood full time. Suzi started teaching at Love Roots Yoga Shala in February.
Suzi shares her enthusiasm for good health and wellbeing in her yoga classes, by placing emphasis on breathing and movement to heal the body.

Lynn Crawford
Owner & Yoga Teacher
Lynn discovered yoga after major shoulder surgery in 2010. After she finished her physical therapy, she realized that the shoulder needed more work. Already in her 50s, it was not easy to rehabilitate herself so she signed up for yoga classes with Cheryl Boyles at the Wrightwood Yoga Shack. She added more classes each week, both at Galaxy Fitness and the Wrightwood Country Club.
Lynn then discovered Love Roots Yoga Shala and was further inspired. She decided it was time to share her love of yoga and decided to take a teacher training and offer classes in Senior Yoga.
Having taught quilting for many years, teaching comes naturally to her and she loves to share her knowledge and enthusiasm. Please join her on this new journey.

Mallory Riess
Owner & Yoga Teacher
Mallory started practicing yoga in her home with DVDs at the age of 17 and immediately fell in love.
Yoga made her feel both strong and flexible which encouraged her to step on her mat day after day.
Over time she continued to deepen her practice, both on and off the mat, and it was the shifts in her mental and emotional well being that kept her coming back.
In 2012 Mallory received her 200hr Teacher Training certificate as well as becoming an anointed Reiki Master.
After 20 years of practice Mallory still wakes up every morning, gets on her mat, and practices.

Gail Nieto
Owner & Tai Chi Chih Teacher
Gail has been practicing Tai Chi Chih (TCC) for over 13 years. She finally got accredited to be a Tai Chi Chih teacher in November, 2019.
Gail is a retired elementary school teacher from the Snowline School District. Having found the benefits of TCC to be profound in her own practice, she is excited and looking forward to sharing this gentle practice with others.

Brandon Moore
Yoga Teacher
Brandon has been doing yoga since 2005 and has been practicing yoga since 2013. He received his RYT-200 in 2014.
Yoga is a way of life for Brandon; he practices it in his daily life. He was drawn to yoga for the physical aspect as well as for his mental well-being. Subsequently, his practice has eased his depression and anxiety, has helped alleviate his pain and improved his flexibility.
Brandon has always wanted to teach and is excited to be able to share everything he has learned in the past sixteen years with others.

Victoria Balfour
Yoga Teacher
Victoria’s first authentic encounter with yoga was in 2004. She spent a month at an Ashram in Southern India and it was such a profound experience it changed her life! She’s been practicing ever since and has shared her love of yoga with others for the past 10 years.
Qualified in Hatha (200 Hour), Yin (100 Hour), Restorative (50 Hours) and Chair Yoga (25 Hours), her favorite is soothing Restorative where she loves to help people de-stress and unplug from the modern world and reset body, mind and spirit. Her goal is to make yoga accessible to everyone and she likes to use lots of props in her classes.
Victoria is also a strong believer in Karma Yoga – selfless service to others and kindness to all living beings. She has a huge heart for animals and saves as many as she can. She believes in community, which is one of the reasons she moved to Wrightwood in 2023.
Victoria’s favorite quote is “yoga is not about being good at something. It’s about being good to yourself”. She is delighted to join the Shala family!

Wan Chang-Hamachi
Meditation Teacher
Wan cultivates a contemplative life. Since moving to Wrightwood in 2014, she has evolved a meditation practice informed by Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Christian Mysticism and Non-duality.
Wan pursued doctoral studies in consciousness and human sciences, is a certified conscious aging facilitator, is familiar with interpersonal neurobiology and practices compassionate self-inquiry in everyday life.

Marshall Hamachi
Meditation Teacher
Marshall is energized by design’s ability to improve the quality of human living. As an educator at the Art Center College of Design he strives to promote awareness and mindful intention within a human-centered design process. Marshall believes in each person’s ability for creative expression and envisions the Mindfulness Practices and Meditation workshop as a means for participants to improve the quality of their human being.